The solution I came up with involves 3 parts. First, I setup a clustered RabbitMQ server (an open source implementation of AMQP). I plan on using it to facilitate a loosely coupled, event driven architecture for integrating multiple open source
applications. I'm pretty happy with RabbitMQ thus far - about the only complaint I have is that they don't have any message tracing capabilities right now (version 1.5.0) which made it more difficult to debug my client side code. I'm also hoping that sometime soon we start seeing debian packages for python/perl amqp libraries. For now, I'm using Net::Stomp and the RabbitMQ stomp adapter which seemed like the most stable, easily deployed client side solution.
On the XMPP server side, I created an erlang module that acts as a message consumer. Each virtual host in our ejabberd server listens on a separate queue for presence messages generated by the sipX side and sends out XMPP presence updates to online sessions.
After getting the RabbitMQ erlang client library installed, here's the code I used to connect and setup my consumer:
Connection = amqp_connection:start(Uname, Pwd, "mq.nvizn.com"),Now on the sipX side, things are a bit more ugly, and when I have more time later, I'd like to rework this end. For now, I created a PL/pgSQL AFTER trigger on SIPXCDR.call_state_events table that handles new call state events ('S' and 'E' event_types to be specific). This trigger inserts new rows into a new cse_summary table I created for every call, one for when the call is setup and one for call termination and it does this for each internal user. If the call involves two internal folks, you end up with 4 rows, if on the other hand, one side is external, you end up with only 2 rows. This trigger also looks up the XMPP jid for the extension and records that in the generated cse_summary rows.
Channel = amqp_connection:open_channel(Connection),
Qname = list_to_binary("/" ++ Host ++ "/presence/phone"),
Q = lib_amqp:declare_queue(Channel, Qname),
lib_amqp:bind_queue(Channel, <<"">>, Q, Qname),
lib_amqp:subscribe(Channel, Q, self(), false),
Then I created a handle_info function that looks like this:
handle_info({ {'basic.deliver', DeliveryTag, _, _, _, _ },
{content, ClassId, Properties, PropertiesBin,
[Payload]} = Info}, State) ->
%% Message processing here, then send out the XMPP presence update...,
BroadcastPresence = fun({U, S, R}) ->
Dest = jlib:make_jid(U, S, R),
ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, Dest, Presence)
Sessions = ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(State#state.host),
lists:foreach(BroadcastPresence, Sessions),
When a row is created in the cse_summary table, a separate
PL/Perl AFTER trigger uses Net::Stomp to generate a call state
event message for the RabbitMQ cluster.
Here's what the PL/Perl trigger looks like:
my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({hostname=>'mq.nvizn.com',port=>'61613'});Now, I'm just creating some debian packages and RPMs (for the sipX side), documenting how it works, and thinking about our next integration.
$stomp->connect({login=>$uid, passcode=>$pwd});
my $msg = sprintf("%s,%s,%s", $domain,
$_TD->{"new"}{"event_type"}, $_TD->{"new"}{"jid"});
$stomp->send({destination=>"/$domain/presence/phone", body=>($msg)});
Great post, you've done things the right way. I can't wait to have some free time to test that. Thanks!
Very interesting. I'm doing the same exact thing, but I'm using Rabbiter to make it into a twitter-like stream. Integrating it with Zimbra, Alfresco, Asterisk, and Sugar is the goal (Asterisk was the proof of concept) Planning on building the client with Titanium later, right now it's just an ajax-ed webpage.
Interesting, we're both integrating roughly the same set of applications. Only exception is that I'm building a simple CRM, instead of using Sugar.
I was wondering where you are located... I am in Pittsburgh and run a local startup and would be interested in getting to know you... We are working on an ejabberd implementation and would love to maybe talk to you (on a consulting basis).
Please let me know where you are and if you are up for a cup of coffee sometime.
Best Regards,
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